Minor Skin Cosmetic Procedures safely & effectively carried out
For further information regarding each individual condition and treatment please click on the appropriate treatment. Other treatments are available so please contact us with any queries or questions you may have. Please note every Advanced Cosmetic Procedure carries a minor risk and no guarantee can be made regarding treatment success.
Mole Treatment
The size and appearance of unsightly moles can be visibly reduced and improved using Advanced Electrolysis techniques.
Broken Capillaries / Thread Veins
Thread veins are extremely common mostly affect the face, body and legs and are sometimes considered unsightly and embarrassing....
Thread veins are extremely common mostly affect the face, body and legs and are sometimes considered unsightly and embarrassing. They are not broken capillaries but rather permanently dilated capillaries. They have very thin walls which constantly dilate and constrict and as we age, these vessels lose their elasticity, can become permanently dilated and therefore noticeable to the naked eye.
The causes of thread veins are unknown although they may be caused by changes in temperature, smoking, hormonal changes, alcohol, skin fragility, pregnancy as well as being a possible inherited condition. They are commonly seen in a maturing ‘English Rose’ complexion.
We offer 2 choice of modalities to suit each individual client – either Blend coagulation or Thermolysis cauterization. The more specialised, technically more complex coagulation method offers a quicker healing time and some success with the minor bright red thread veins in the legs.
Spider Naevi
Spider N
aevi or Telangiectasia Angioma is a centrally dilated blood vessel with smaller capillaries radiating from the body thus resembling the legs of a spider…. hence the name....
Spider Naevi or Telangiectasia Angioma is a centrally dilated blood vessel with smaller capillaries radiating from the body thus resembling the legs of a spider…. hence the name. They can be found in isolation or develop together on areas such as the cheeks. They are evident in the condition Poikloderma. They often develop in adult life but trauma can be a cause in children.
Certain conditions can exacerbate their appearance e.g. extreme heat, pregnancy or stress/pressure on the area. They are benign and harmless but can cause psychological trauma and are easily and instantly treatable using electrolysis leaving no remaining mark on the skin.
Fibro Epithelial Polyps / Skin Tags
Fibro epithelial polyps or papillomas are commonly known as skin tags and are most frequently found on the neck and under the arms....
Fibro epithelial polyps or papillomas are commonly known as skin tags and are most frequently found on the neck and under the arms. They often appear with a neck like a mushroom and vary in size from a tiny speck like a grain of sand to the size of a pea or much larger. Usually appearing in areas of friction such as the underarm, groin, under the breasts, around the neck where necklaces may irritate or between the eyelashes. All are easily, quickly and effective treated using Advanced Cosmetic Procedures leaving no visible mark on the skin. Treatment can be a little uncomfortable but is easily tolerated.
Milia are tiny hard white circular minor protrusions containing keratin which lie superficially under the surface of the skin. They vary in size from a tiny grain of sand to 5 mm....
Milia are tiny hard white circular minor protrusions containing keratin which lie superficially under the surface of the skin. They vary in size from a tiny grain of sand to 5 mm or larger and can be easily and successfully treated with electrolysis.
Their exact cause is unknown although they are often associated with dry skin. Rich cream, excessive amounts of Vitamin C and high cholesterol are also attributed as contributory factors. Often found around the eye area and cheeks of sufferers they appear as individuals or in multiple groups.

Blood Spots/Cherry Angiomas
Campbell de Morgans or Cherry Angiomas are bright red vascular blemishes which lie just under the surface of the skin....
Campbell de Morgans or Cherry Angiomas are bright red vascular blemishes which lie just under the surface of the skin. They are dome shaped or slightly raised and are frequently found on the midriff, back or front but also on the face. Most people aged over 30 have at least one and they are even more common in men than women. They are usually approximately 2mm in size but can be smaller or as large as a thumb nail. The larger they become the more raised from the surface of the skin they appear.
They are easily and effectively treated using electrolysis leaving the skin smooth and blemish free.
Verruca Plantaris affects the soles of the feet (usually the ball of the foot) and they become flattened by the pressure of the body. They may be single or multiple and become painful during development....
Verruca Plantaris affects the soles of the feet (usually the ball of the foot) and they become flattened by the pressure of the body. They may be single or multiple and become painful during development. They should be attended to as early as possible in order to avoid spreading the condition as they are highly contagious. They originate from the human papilloma virus and consist of hard keratinized tissue. There are no 'male' or 'female' warts as sometimes thought. They can be effectively treated with electrolysis. The treatment itself is a little uncomfortable but tolerable. The black dots sometimes visible are the capillaries supplying blood. More than one treatment is often required.
Warts and Seborrhoeic Keratosis
Warts are small, non-cancerous, predominantly contagious growths within the skin primarily caused by the human papilloma virus. There are various types of warts, including plane....
What are warts?
Warts are small, non-cancerous, predominantly contagious growths within the skin primarily caused by the human papilloma virus. There are various types of warts, including plane, common, verrucas and seborrhoeic keratosis. Seborrhoeic keratosis are the only type of wart that is non contagious and is a symptom of aging, long term sun damage and genetics.
What causes warts?
Warts are caused by a viral infection in the skin cells. The virus is called the human papilloma virus and there are more than 100 types of HPV.
What treatment is needed to remove warts?
To remove a wart from your skin the latest Advanced Cosmetic Procedure techniques are used. The treatment process requires the tip of a small probe to be used with a tiny energy current to remove the blemished area. The treatment itself is a little uncomfortable but easily tolerated. There are minimal after effects, with a little tightness and scabbing to be expected. Each treatment takes a minimum of 15 minutes
What results are expected?
Warts can be successfully removed, leaving a clearer, healthier looking skin. This treatment is suitable for men and woman both on the face and on other body areas.
One month after treatment
Immediately after treatment
Seborrhoeic Keratoses removed in one 60 min treatment
Sebaceous Cysts
A Sebaceous Cyst is a retention of sebum contained in a sebaceous sac under the skin that is blocked by an overgrowth of the surface epidermis. The size can vary from a....
A Sebaceous Cyst is a retention of sebum contained in a sebaceous sac under the skin that is blocked by an overgrowth of the surface epidermis. The size can vary from a pea to an egg and areas they appear most commonly are the face, chest, scalp and back. They may have an open or closed top and when small can be successfully treated using electrolysis.
A tiny probe is inserted into the sebaceous cyst a number of times using the thermolysis current. Following this it is often possible to excise pus from the nodule. After treatment general erythema (redness) and oedema (localised swelling) may appear around the nodule but over the next week or so this will reduce in size. Further treatment is often required.
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra are a common non contagious disorder which develops during adolescence on Afro-Caribbean skin and is identified by smooth, dome shaped....
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra are a common non contagious disorder which develops during adolescence on Afro-Caribbean skin and is identified by smooth, dome shaped, brown to black papules seen mainly on the cheeks, neck and upper chest.
Morgan Freeman the famous Hollywood actor has this condition which is often considered attractive. However electrolysis is successful and effective at removing these blemishes if so desired. The lesions are benign and histologically identical to Seborrhoeic Keratosis.
Age Spots & Hyperpigmentation
Age spots and hyper-pigmentation marks are caused by an accumulation of a yellow pigment called lipofuscin caused by aging of the collagen producing cells....
Age spots and hyper-pigmentation marks are caused by an accumulation of a yellow pigment called lipofuscin caused by aging of the collagen producing cells.
Successful treatment is often attainable but cannot be guaranteed since the discolouration may be located in the deeper dermis and only the superficial epidermis is removed at the time of treatment. You will be advised upon consultation whether any pigmentation treatment you undergo will be expected to have a successful outcome.
pigmentation before
pigmentation after
pigmentation before
pigmentation after
Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Lesions may be single or multiple. They are seen in areas where many oil glands are found – the face (nose, cheeks, and forehead), chest, upper arms, mouth lining, vulvae area....
Lesions may be single or multiple. They are seen in areas where many oil glands are found – the face (nose, cheeks, and forehead), chest, upper arms, mouth lining, vulvae area, and around the nipples.
They are small (2–9 mm), painless, whitish-yellow-to-pink or skin-coloured bumps, often with a central depression or dimple And can be treated very successfully using Advanced methods of electrolysis. A little discomfort during treatment may be experienced but is easily tolerated.
Syringoma Treatment
Syringoma are benign non contagious flesh coloured elevations of the skin. The most common locations are lower eyelids and upper cheeks.....
Syringoma are benign non contagious flesh coloured elevations of the skin. The most common locations are lower eyelids and upper cheeks.
They appear as small (1-3mm) flesh to yellowish coloured protrusions. All are easily treatable using Advanced Electrolysis techniques performed by an expert. As the blemishes heal following treatment they visibly reduce in size.

Xanthoma Treatment
Xanthomas are deposits of fatty materials under the surface of the skin and can appear anywhere on the body. Xanthelasma Palpebra is a common type that appears on the eyelids and is very successfully....